How to check if your feed is active

If your feed fails, follow this guide to identify the problem.

If you experience data faults it is usually because one of the chains from source to AVIOU is not updating correctly. Follow this guide to identify where the feed fails.

There are 3 different indicators on how your feed flow is running.

When the feed is paused, the feed no longer cache/update by itself once or twice a day. If you add new products to your feed or update product prices while the feed is paused, it will not update before it is set to active or a manual cache is made.

When your feed is active and products are indexed, your feed is up and running and ready for use. Below is an example on how an active feed should look like.

When your feed import fails it is most common that there has been an error when trying to cache the feed. This can sometimes be caused by sudden changes in the feed structure. A solution to this, is sometimes just to manually cache the feed again.